Generator maintenance
It’s not uncommon for a standby generator to have a lifespan that ranges from 500 to over 30,000 hours. If you think about it, backup generators are typically used as little as 30 hours each year (based on typical 12-15 minute cycles each week and assuming no outages during the year), but can be used over 100 hours per year depending on the number of outages.

Regardless, your standby generator should have a great lifespan that can last 20-30+ years! However, your generator is no different than the family car. It needs an annual inspection, regular oil changes (annually), battery replacement every 3-4 years, new air filter(s), etc.
Here at Stirling Generators, we offer “peace of mind” by offering maintenance and preventative maintenance services that have competitive rates to ensure your backup generator stays well-maintained and “ready” when it’s needed most.
Call today! We have annual maintenance service plans for every kind of generator.